Where Are hOmeLabs Dehumidifiers Made? (I Tried to Find Out)


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hOmelabs is a company that offers a wide range of kitchen and household appliances. From refrigerators and air conditioners to dishwashers and, of course, dehumidifiers, hOmelabs has a lot to offer. But where are its products made, and who makes them? Well, in this article, I’ll be trying to find out where hOmelabs’ dehumidifiers are made.


Who Makes hOmelabs Dehumidifiers?

According to the website HouseFresh, hOmelabs’ is managed by Aterian. Aterian is responsible for around 200 of hOmelabs’ products, and this includes its dehumidifiers.

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After taking a look at Aterian’s official website, I can confirm that Aterian is responsible for overseeing a lot of hOmelab’s production. Aterian is a technology-enabled consumer products company. Basically, it helps to take brands to the next level with high-tech production.

Aterian was founded in 2014, and despite being a fairly young company, it has established itself as a reliable investor company that has helped to revolutionize the way that companies operate.

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To summarize, hOmelabs is an Aterian brand. So, Aterian is responsible for hOmelab’s manufacturing.

Where are hOmelabs Dehumidifiers Made?

Finding out the specifics regarding hOmelabs’ dehumidifiers proved to be quite a challenge. There are third-party websites out there that state everything from hOmelab’s dehumidifiers being solely made in the US to all of them being made in China.

By looking at Aterian’s website, the company operates in 12 countries worldwide. I read through a lot of Aterian’s about us and company pages, I could find no mention of exactly where hOmelab’s dehumidifiers are made.

I also spent some time reading through multiple products on hOmelab’s website but could find nothing regarding where they were produced.

Because of all the dead ends and conflicting information, I decided to reach out to hOmelabs directly to find out exactly where its dehumidifiers are made. Unfortunately, after waiting a few days, I heard nothing from hOmelabs. If a representative does contact me then the article will be updated.

So, for now, the only information I could find comes from those aforementioned third-party websites. If any readers know more about hOmelab’s dehumidifier manufacturing location then get in touch via the comment section below.

If you are looking for an American made dehumidifier, and want to know what options there are, then we’ve already written an article on dehumidifiers made in the USA that you can check out. We’ve also written an article on dehumidifiers made in Germany.

History of hOmelabs Dehumidifiers

hOmelabs is a New York based company that was founded in 2016. It is a company that specializes in producing home and kitchen appliances. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of information regarding its dehumidifiers’ history.

The only thing I could find out about its dehumidifiers is that they are decently made products that do a great job and are cheap to buy when compared to a lot of other companies out there.

Also, hOmelabs’ dehumidifiers come with a 2-year warranty should something go wrong. Overall, the company has received largely positive reviews surrounding its dehumidifiers.

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