Vacuum Cleaners Made in Japan (They Do Exist)


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It’s hard to find vacuum cleaners that are made outside of China these days. Companies tend to outsource production to China to save on material and production costs, and this can sometimes impact the quality of a product. In this article, I’ll be looking into Japanese-made vacuum cleaners.


Are there any Companies that Manufacture Vacuum Cleaners in Japan? (The Short Answer)

Upon doing some research, I found 1 vacuum cleaner brand that manufactures products in Japan. This company is Hitachi.

Japanese Made Vacuum Cleaners (What I Found)

Now that we know which brand produces vacuum cleaners in Japan, let’s look at the company in a little more detail.


Hitachi dates back to 1919. It was founded in Hitachi, Ibaraki, Japan by engineer Namihei Odaira. Hitachi is a well-known electrical appliance company and it produces 100s of different ranges of products, and this includes a handful of vacuum cleaners.

Not all of Hitachi’s products are made in Japan. However, there are a few lines of vacuum cleaners that are manufactured in Japan, although I was unable to pinpoint the location of its Japanese manufacturing facility.

According to Hitachi’s website, the company produces five different models of vacuum cleaner.


Honorable Mention

Upon doing the research for this article I came across a brand that seems like it produces vacuum cleaners in Japan. However, I was unable to confirm this with absolute certainty.


Panasonic is a major international brand with factories and facilities located all around the world. Panasonic does manufacture some of its products in Japan. Although I was unable to confirm exactly which products are made in Japan.

It seems like they may produce one type of vacuum cleaner on Japanese shores. I came across an Amazon listing that advertises a Panasonic vacuum cleaner as being made in Japan. However, I couldn’t find information to back those claims up on the Panasonic website.

Amazon Panasonic Vacuum Cleaner Listing


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