Winches are essential for anybody that wishes to pull or tow a car. American-made winches are very popular as they help boost the local economy and are seen to be better for the environment. In this article, I will be looking at winches made in the USA.
Brands That Sell Winches Made in the USA (The Short Answer)
After some research on Winches, I found two companies that manufacture and sell Winches in America. These companies are Ramsey Winch and Thern
The Companies That Make Winches in the USA (What I Discovered)
Now that we have found which companies manufacture winches in the USA, let’s take a look at them in more detail.
Ramsey Winch
Ramsey Winch is a large manufacturer of hydraulic, electric, and planetary winches. The company uses premium materials and high-quality manufacturing processes with top-end engineers. Ramsey Winch prides itself on quality and endurance in its products. The company has been around since 1944 and was set up by two brothers.
To this day, Ramsey Winch is a family-owned business that still manufactures its products in America. The company manufactures USA-made winches in Tusla, Oklahoma.
Some of Ramsey Winch’s products are listed below:
Thern is a winch manufacturer based in America. It is a family-owned business with a great deal of experience. It produces quality winches with excellent service and this is always the company’s main focus. Thern was founded in Winona, Minnesota by Royal G. Thern, just after World War II. The company produced innovative products that laid the foundation for the business today.
The quality and reliability of the company’s products can be attributed to its American manufacturing process that has been based in Minnesota for many years.
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Here is a list of Thern’s USA-made winches:
- 4WS – Worm Spur Series Electric Winch – Up to 3 Ton Capacity
- 4HS Series Electric Winch – 5,000 – 56,000 lb Capacity
- 4HPF Series Electric Winch – 2,000 – 25,000 lb Capacity
Winches That Are Mistaken as Being Made in the USA
As I was looking for American-made winches, I looked into a company that at first fit the criteria. But, I discovered evidence that suggested the winches were not made in the USA. The company is SuperWinch.
SuperWinch was founded in 1974 as a family business that produces winches. They sell a range of automotive products, mainly winches, and are based in San Dimas, California.
Although some websites refer to SuperWinch’s products as being American made, the company’s website says otherwise. It appears that SuperWinch has manufacturing facilities in various countries.
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As the website clearly states, the winches are manufactured globally. This means that the products that you purchase from SuperWinch are not just American-made and many of the products could be produced in other countries.
Warn is recognized as an industry-leading manufacturer of winches. The company was created in 1948 and produces some of the best winches on the market. Warn uses a small team of highly trained engineers to test and create the products to make sure they are of the best quality.
Warn states that over its 70+ years of history, it has won several awards from suppliers and media internationally. Some of the winches are produced in Clackamas, Oregon. But, after some research, it looks like Warn manufactures some of its products in China.