Headlamps have a multitude of uses. Whether you are using a headlamp to guide you down a path at night or using it to find a screw that you accidentally dropped behind a unit at home, headlamps come in very handy. But are there any American-made headlamps out there? Well, that’s what I’ll be looking at in this article.
Brands that Sell Headlamps Made in the USA? (The Short Answer)
After doing some digging, I was able to find a handful of brands that manufacture headlamps in the US. They are Princeton Tec, and SureFire.
American-Made Headlamps (What I Was Able to Find)
Let’s take both of the American headlamp manufacturers and look at them in a little more detail.
Princeton Tec
Princeton Tec was founded in 1975 in Princeton, New Jersey. Princeton Tec started by producing underwater stopwatches for SCUBA divers. As time went on, the company moved on to produce a wide array of torches and headlamps.
These days, Princeton Tec is very well known for its high-quality torches and headlamps and the company sells its products to customers all over the world.
Princeton Tec’s headlamps range from ones suited for outdoor use, underwater use, industrial use, and tactical use. So it is safe to say that the people over at Princeton Tec know their way around a headlamp.
As for its manufacturing location, Princeton Tec manufactures all of its torches and headlamps in the US.
For those wanting to have a look at some of Princeton Tec’s headlamps, here’s a link to its category page. For those wanting a little extra help, here are a few options for you to take a look at.
SureFire is an American-made brand that is proud to be an American manufacturer. The company was founded in 1979. Its headquarters is located in Fountain Valley, California and it is a well-known mobile lighting company.
It manufactures lights and torches for military use, casual use, and pretty much every other possible use you could imagine. Lighting is SureFire’s specialty and it has become a highly sought-after brand thanks to its durable and long-lasting products.
I wasn’t able to find where SureFire sources its materials, but all of its headlamps are tested and assembled at its facilities located in the US.
SureFire produces two lines of headlamps for regular consumer use. They are as follows.
Honorable Mention
I came across one company that does manufacture some of its products in the US, but I wasn’t able to determine which of its products are American-made. Here’s what I found.
Based in Eagleville, Pennsylvania, Streamlight is a lighting specialist that manufactures all products related to mobile lighting, such as key chains, weapons, safety lights, and more. The company was founded in 1973 and it quickly became one of the largest mobile lighting manufacturers on the market.
With it being such a large company, it won’t come as much of a surprise to learn that a lot of its manufacturing is carried out overseas. From what I was able to find, the vast majority of Streamlight’s manufacturing takes place in a facility located in China. However, some of its manufacturing is carried out at its facility in Eagleville, Pennsylvania.
Deciphering which Streamlight’s products are American-made is pretty tricky, hence why it gets an honorable mention. Before purchasing one of Streamlight’s headlamps, I’d recommend reaching out to them and asking which of its products are American-made.
For those wanting to take a closer look at some of Streamlight’s products, here’s a link to its headlamp page, and here’s a link to the company’s contact information.