Air Purifiers Made in Germany (Do They Exist?)


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With lots of companies moving manufacturing overseas in a bid to reduce costs and increase productivity, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find air purifiers that weren’t made in China. In this article, I’ll be looking for air purifiers made in Germany.


Are There Any Brands That Stock Air Purifiers Made in Germany? (The Short Answer)

I was only able to find 2 brands that manufacture air purifiers in Germany. They are IDEAL and UlmAir.

German Made Air Purifiers (What I Found)

Now that we know which companies manufacture air purifiers in Germany, let’s take a look at them in a little more detail.


IDEAL is a proud German company that manufactures a variety of home and office electronic appliances, this includes air purifiers. Its headquarters is located in Balingen, Germany and from what I understand, this is where its manufacturing takes place.

On top of being a proud German manufacturer, IDEAL sources around 90% of its materials from suppliers located in the same region as its manufacturing facility. The rest of its materials come from within a 250km radius of its headquarters. This makes it a solely German operation with no outside help.

IDEAL Air Purifier Made in Germany


As for its air purifiers, the company has multiple different models for different room sizes. Each of its air purifiers is designed to be as efficient as possible whilst also being incredibly quiet. Here are a few of its models for you to take a look at.


UlmAir offers professional-grade air purifiers for everything from small houses all the way up to large businesses. Its products are renowned for their high quality and they are sold to people all over the world.

UlmAir is a proud German manufacturer, and it manufactures the majority of its air purifiers at its manufacturing facility and headquarters in Ulm, Germany. However, I couldn’t find where UlmAir gets its materials from.

UlmAir Air Purifier Made in Germany


For those wanting to take a look at some of UlmAir’s German-made air purifiers, I’ve covered it for you. Here are a few options for you to check out.

Honorable Mention

As mentioned, I came across a company that seems like it may manufacture air purifiers in Germany. However, I wasn’t able to find concrete proof of this. Here’s what I found.


OneLife is an air purifier company that was founded in Mönchengladbach, Germany in 2019, although the people behind OneLife have been working on air purification technology since 2015.

As for its manufacturing, the only thing I could find was a statement in its FAQs stating that its products are engineered in Germany. I also found a little logo at the bottom of each web page stating that OneLife’s products are “Engineered in Germany – Designed in California.” As I’m sure most readers will know, engineered in doesn’t always mean manufactured in.

OneLife Air Purifier Made in Germany


I wasn’t able to find much more information out there regarding the company’s manufacturing location. If there are any readers out there who can shed some light on OneLife’s manufacturing then leave a comment below as we like to keep our articles up-to-date and accurate. For those who are wanting to take a look at some of OneLife’s products for themselves, here’s a link to its air purifier page.

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